
In-Sec-M, the Canadian Cybersecurity Cluster, is a bilingual coast-to-coast-to-coast organization at ease with both the private and the public sectors that brings together the players in the cybersecurity ecosystem to support the innovation, growth and outreach of the Canadian cybersecurity industry, nationally and internationally.

In-Sec-M’s mandates are to:

  • Support a globally recognized and competitive Canadian cybersecurity industry
  • Consolidate a trusted network to develop new markets
  • Act as a business catalyst for companies, learning and research centers and governments

Three core activities:

  • Innovation
  • Security
  • Market

The types of partners/customers that In-Sec-M is seeking:

  • Key players in the Italian and European cybersecurity ecosystems
In-Sec-M logo



Event details

Date: May 27 - June 6, 2024

Event contact

Arman Giloyan
Senior International Market Consultant


12 in total