
Cybeats is a cybersecurity company providing SBOM management and software supply chain intelligence technology, helping organizations manage risk, meet compliance requirements, and secure their software from procurement to development and operation. Its platform gives customers comprehensive visibility and transparency into their software supply chain and vulnerability lifecycle management, enabling them to improve operational efficiency and increase revenue. Cybeats. Software Made Certain.

Three core activities:

  • SBOM inventory, management, and sharing
  • Vulnerability lifecycle management VEX and VDP
  • Comply with regulatory requirements (CRA)

Partners/customers that Cybeat is seeking:
Software and Product security professionals who involved in SBOM creation or consumption and consumption. GRC, CISO, and CPSO (Chief Product Security Officer), Head of DevSecOps, Director of Product Security.

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Event details

Date: May 27 - June 6, 2024

Event contact

Arman Giloyan
Senior International Market Consultant


12 in total