
Kubert is on a mission to provide a simpler approach to enterprise-ready Kubernetes management. It offers a secure, foundational, out-of-the-box Kubernetes toolkit allowing organizations to immediately deploy Kubernetes infrastructure with enterprise-grade configurations, security, and observability. Kubert AI, a key tool in the toolkit, enables intuitive interactions with your Kubernetes environments, further simplifying the Kubernetes management experience. With over 15 essential Kubernetes tools integrated into a single, ready-to-use package, Kubert reduces complexity and saves organizations months in setup time.

Mission Objectives
At the Collision Conference, Kubert would like to expand its user base by introducing attendees to the Kubert toolkit and Kubert AI solutions. It also hopes to engage with potential investors to secure seed funding for its initiatives this year.

Kubert logo



Event details

Date: June 17 - 21, 2024

Event contact

Lisa Qi
Senior International Market Consultant


106 in total