
Imagine a transformative shift in your operational model where instead of continually recruiting new personnel, you employ AI-powered Intelligent Digital Workers. They are designed to emulate human behavior, executing end-to-end job roles across back-office operations, finance, accounting, supply chain, and logistics. Capable of interacting with multiple applications, they proficiently read and write documents, execute on platforms, and make critical decisions, without any integrations. They offer a triple-fold increase in capacity and a tenfold reduction in costs, revolutionizing efficiency.

Mission Objectives
HachiAI Inc.’s mission is to revolutionize the conventional organizational structure, transitioning to a forward-thinking model where AI-powered digital workers support your team at every level, delivering unparalleled cost savings and productivity enhancements from the very first day.

Event details

Date: June 17 - 21, 2024

Event contact

Lisa Qi
Senior International Market Consultant


106 in total