
Mediphage, a Toronto-based biotechnology company, has developed a proprietary and scalable manufacturing process using E.coli to produce ministring DNA™ (msDNA™), a high-fidelity, backbone-free LCC (linear covalently closed) DNA vector. msDNA™ has applications as drug substance in redosable non-viral gene therapy, in vivo and ex vivo gene editing, DNA vaccines, and as a starting material for the manufacturing of high-quality viral vectors (such as rAAV and LVV), mRNA therapeutics and vaccines. The company is advancing development of non-viral gene therapy programs for hemophilia and other liver-related diseases.

Mediphage Bioceuticals Inc. logo



Event details

Date: January 13 - 15, 2025

Event contact

Patricia Cosgrove
Area Director
USA: Life Sciences


21 in total