
Msafe Solutions is a Toronto, Canada-based innovative technology startup. The company creates a custom smart workflow-based environment, health, and safety app/models using VR, Machine vision, artificial intelligence, and machine learning algorithms to monitor, measure, audit, and review safety and health-related issues in real-time. It has a proven track record with Industry 4.0 implementation solving real problems. Its automation solutions save time and money for companies and preventive safety approach precious human lives and the environment in a sustainable way.

Mission Objectives

Occupational hazards present a tremendous danger across industries. These hazards have cost thousands of lives, and corporations have spent tens of millions of dollars attempting to minimize and eliminate negative outcomes. Msafe Solutions' mission is to make a difference and make every life count! Sustainable living for all!

Exhibition Day: June 27, 2023
Exhibition Location: Government of Ontario Start-up Island

Msafe Solutions Inc. logo



Event details

Date: June 26 - 29, 2023

Event contact

Lisa Qi
Senior International Market Consultant


172 in total