
Online retailers struggle with attracting, engaging, and converting customers. Just as Shopify made it easy to create website shops, Gravvity makes it effortless to create immersive shops. Its AI-powered platform empowers businesses to build stunning 3D, augmented reality, and virtual reality experiences that captivate customers. With seamless integration, personalized interactions, and social engagement, Gravvity revolutionizes the online shopping experience. Leveraging its B2B SaaS model, it's already partnered with some of Japan's biggest companies and has 25k+ shops in its pipeline.

Mission Objectives

Gravvity seeks partners to co-market our immersive shopping solution, along with investors and customers. It is interested in businesses with existing ecosystems and networks that can amplify its reach. Its ideal partners include technology providers, XR content creators, e-commerce platforms, retailers, and marketing agencies.

Gravvity logo



Event details

Date: June 26 - 29, 2023

Event contact

Lisa Qi
Senior International Market Consultant


172 in total