
Deepchill Solutions is the premier manufacturer of ice pigging equipment in North America. Deepchill ice pigging is a proven technology for cleaning watermains using the abrasive quality of ice crystals that easily flow through bends, diameter changes, valves, and complex layouts. Ice pigging effectively removes accumulated sediment, mineral deposits and biofilms from water mains, restoring flow capacity, reducing the risk of blockages and enhancing water quality. Ice pigging is faster than conventional pigging methods, cleaning pipes in a single pass, lowering the downtime of pipe maintenance.

Deepchill Solutions will be at booth 610-4p on Wednesday, August 14, 2024.

Deepchill Solutions Inc. logo



Event details

Date: August 11 - 15, 2024

Event contact

Cinthya Ortiz
Area Director
South America


17 in total