
Voyageur Aviation specializes in adapting commercial aircraft into new roles and missions for a variety of government and military clients. Voyageur also owns, operates and leases a variety of aircraft. As an operator with over 50 years of flying experience, Voyageur understands the importance of reliable in-service support, and parts and logistics, to ensure mission availability and performance. As an authorized Design Approval Organization (DAO), Voyageur offers in-house design and certification services to meet unique customer requirements.

This includes sensor and mission system integration and Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) approvals for aircraft modifications, reconfigurations and addressing obsolescence. Voyageur evolves the ordinary into the extraordinary, continuing to deliver innovative solutions to customers with unique requirements.

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Event details

Date: February 20 - 25, 2024

Event contact

Emerson Cheng
Senior International Market Consultant


7 in total